

A six-letter word which certainly packs a punch. We are creatures of habit. We like routine. There is a saying “a change is as good as a rest” Some people thrive on change while others loath change.  Personally, I think the biggest change in one’s life is becoming a parent. You have not solely responsible for yourself but another human being. Pretty scary. The unpredictable and uncertainty is a daily occurrence. I will tackle parenting in a separate blog.

Circumstances, things which happen in any given situation.  Habit, something which we do on a regular basis. An event which tends to involve others. Normality of our daily life’s. Generational differences and environment which is at the heart of most of our changes.

As a therapist many clients talk about the changes which can be forced upon them. Weather it be work, friendships or family.  The dynamical struggle is real. When you are not directly involved in someone’s life you can be observational and offer another perspective. This can shed light on matter for the client.  Even simply talking about the change of circumstances can reduce their anxiety.  For example, one of my clients was struggling to give a presentation. This was something completely different and new to them. Having people see the in a different light bought a sense of changing opinion, a sense of judgement.  When we talked it though rational, they were able to establish a sense of calm.  When we are watching someone give a presentation we fall into two camps. Interested in the topic or uninterested. Either way, they are glad not to be standing up there presenting.

Either way you view change, it is going to happen. Change is an absolute, very few things are set in stone.  Sometimes it is better to try the new then not try at all. How do you feel about change?

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